Monday, April 30, 2007

Busy, beautiful day

I was super-busy today and didn't get a proper sit down meal that wasn't rushed. This is very unusual for me. I love to eat and I also like the time to sit with my husband and kids every day.

I ran a boatload of errands, posted fliers for my garden club's plant sale, dumpster-dived at Aldi again, visited friends and neighbors to distribute my findings, planted lettuce, carrots, radishes, swiss chard and endive in two of my three gardens that are spread all over town, and cleared out more of my unwanted pantry items to give to my sister-in-law...

I had about 3 cups of defrosted mangos at 9 a.m., 1/2 of a banana at 1 p.m., a huge plate of iceberg with lentil sprouts, cucumber, grape tomatoes, shredded carrot and more of that creamy dressing at 3 p.m. After the salad, I ate 6 soaked almonds on the way to drop my daughter's friend off. At about 8 p.m. I ate 2 Bartlett pears.

Tomorrow, I have more planting and garden work to do, so I better head to bed.


Anonymous said...

Hiya Greenmama, saw your blog linked from Flany'Fud's and had a good read.

Your posts seem to take on a happy note when you are talking about gardening. I hope as the years go by you will be able to have your own oasis right in your own home.

- Jodi

greenmama! said...

Thanks so much, Jodi! I am still a beginning gardener, but I am learning so much and loving it.
