Last night's excellent rainstorm cooled the weather for us and made the weeds easy to pull, even the gigantic lamb's quarters with huge root structures (see photo above). My farmer friend Phil and I tackled weeds together all day in my garden. We also had fun picking and sampling various varieties of peas he planted. He has sugar snaps, shell peas, snow peas, including a unique yellow snow pea. My favorite sample--the new Eclipse super-sweet shell pea. Wow--super-sweet is right!
The coolness of the day did not negate the affects of the bright sun. Unfortunately, I did not realize until too late that there was a significant gap between my waistband and my shirt when I bent over the rows. I have an extremely painful red strip of skin there. Oops. I don't think that part of my body has ever seen the sun before.
Today's Food
9 a.m. About 12 cups watermelon
2 p.m. About 4 cups of juicy sweet mulberries as big as blackberries right off the tree. Wow!
3-5 p.m. Snacking on random peas
7 p.m. Ice cream made with 3 frozen bananas and a 12 oz. bag of frozen mango
Approx. 1600 calories
lambs quarter is lovely in salad have you tried it? :) the young leaves are best with dandelions
lol its so funny isnt it we plant things to eat and pull up the edible weeds an toss them inthe compost
im guilty as charged :P
Hi there,
I like lamb's quarters myself, but no one else in the family likes the gritty texture of the leaves. The only time I really eat it is in the garden while weeding, because it tends to wilt quickly and it takes some time to process.
I don't eat dandelion. Too bitter!
My favorite weed to eat is purslane. I left some to grow in my garden today.
Also, I have been employing your suggestion about spreading pee around the garden.
We'll see if raw vegan pee works or if I'll have to get some carnivores to donate. LOL!
I laughed when I read your blog, because I just published a post about planting some very expensive organic lambsquarter seeds and having not a single one come up! I did not know what it looked like until I saw your picture. Glad to know some people find it gritty, makes me feel better knowing we may not have liked it! LoL!
I love dandelion and use it in green smoothies often. I have never had any wild dandelion, just what they sell at the produce market. We have dandelions growing all over our yard, but they are all flower with very small leaves, nothing worth harvesting.
I am still working my way through your blog. I am enjoying "meeting" another green family!
A great way to eat the lamb's quarters is to make it into pesto. Use garlic blended with olive oil, lemon juice, 1/2 basil leaves and 1/2 lamb's quarter and spread it on tomatoes or stuff marinated mushrooms. Another option is to add one avocado to the blend for a creamy mock spinach dip.
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